воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.


Problema Map [Samp] funkypix ha detto: Only circles and spheres may be used with the attach area natives. Place the plugin file streamer. Allora leggendo di qua e di la ho messo un piccolo codice insieme e mi da questi 4 errori Codice:. This streamer, as a result, is quite a bit faster than any other implementation currently available in PAWN. pawno streamer include

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pawno streamer include

Here is an example of using pawn data manipulation natives note the use of the definitions and the enumerator above: That will be in the next version.

Find More Posts by Incognito.

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Keep up the good work. Send a private message to Correlli.

pawno streamer include

This will require the player to be twice as close as normal before the item will begin to stream. A maximum of player IDs can be assigned per item. Streamer Plugin Streamer Inclure This plugin streams objects, pickups, checkpoints, race checkpoints, map icons, and 3D text labels at user-defined server ticks. Only circles and spheres may be used with the attach area natives.

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Right now, as I said, it just streams objects, but it is a relatively simple matter to includd support for pickups, map icons, and checkpoints at a later date vehicles are streamed automatically in 0. There is no source code. Sounds interesting and useful, i'll try it out. Be careful when using streamed items with non-streamed items.

Streamer Plugin This plugin streams objects, pickups, checkpoints, race checkpoints, map icons, and 3D text labels at user-defined server ticks. Specifying -1 all virtual worlds and interiors actually ensures the best performance, because it eliminates the need to do a lookup when that item is checked on each update.

All times are GMT. Problema Map [Samp] Allora leggendo di qua e di la ho messo un piccolo codice insieme e mi da questi 4 errori Codice:. This site uses cookies. Download The latest compiled binaries will always be here: Perfetto mi rimane un solo errore: Find More Posts by Correlli. Allora leggendo di qua e di la ho messo un piccolo codice insieme e mi stresmer questi 4 errori Codice:.

Tutoriais Pawn

Add the following line to server. Send a private message to Google Find More Posts by Sergei. Send a private message to Sergei. This streamer, as a result, is quite a bit faster than any other implementation currently available in PAWN. The time now is Originally Posted by Incognito Right now, as I said, it just streams objects, but it is a relatively simple matter to add support for pickups, map icons, and checkpoints at a later date vehicles are streamed automatically in 0.

Ragazzi streaner, sono aperte! Send a private message to Incognito. Changelog The commit history can be found here. Ensure that all scripts are compiled with the latest include file.

For example, a radius multiplier of 0. Documentation GitHub Wiki Additional information can be found by searching this thread.

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